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AIT Europa Engineering
and Projects in the world
In this section you will be able to see our projects around the world and their work progress.

AIT Europa Engineering
our eco-sustainable projects
Progetto Hephaestus
AIT Europa Engineering partner of the HEPHAESTUS Project
The HEPHAESTUS project is built around a key and general objective:
Develop a set of scalable and tunable unit operations, to be built as an integrated treatment plant, characterized by the ability to treat multiple process wastes deriving from primary mineral and metallurgical flows (primary and secondary). The operations of the unit are: Cleantech electric furnace, to transform EAFD and AOD powders into metal alloys to be remelted immediately, a process supported by flows of fine by-products of primary mineral extractions (construction, aggregates and dimensional stone); EZINEX process, to extract the zinc present in oven powders; Drawing of fibers, for the production of mineral wool starting from the process slag in the molten state; Catalytic conversion of CO2 gas into methanol or formic acid; Hydrometallurgical processes based on ammonia-ammonium carbonate (AAC) and methanesulfonic acid (MSA), to produce a recyclable Fe-rich residue and to recover metals (eg ZnO) from EAF Dusts.
> Discover more

Cleantech® Technology
Heart of the ENEXAL Project
The ENEXAL project took place at the ALSA industrial site in Agios Nikolaos - Greece, starting from 28 May 2010 and ended on 27 May 2014. The EU Commission contributed to the realization of the project with a grant of approximately 5,000,000 Euros and recognized and certified the results in November 2014.
The aim of the project was to provide the aluminum industry with "green" technologies aimed at a significant increase in the energy efficiency of the production process, a substantial reduction in atmospheric emissions and the elimination of solid waste (red sludge).
Progetto Enexal
Questa azienda ha ricevuto aiuti di stato
art. 1, comma 125, della legge
4 agosto 2017 n. 124

ENGLISH> Images purely illustrative, for details please contact the company through the contact section
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