Precaution, prevention, protection and continuous improvement are the principles of our Team
Since a long time we know that human activities framed in the scheme of linear economy have negative consequences on our planet, that makes it no longer sustainable. We know that our current behavior will heavily influence the ecosystem and therefore must be changed. We are also aware that the time to return to live according to laws of nature is almost expiring.
Together we can transform this awareness into works capable of determining a change in our lifestyles, a decrease of natural resources consumption and the preservation of life on our planet, for us and especially for those who come after us.
The future is now: awareness alone is not enough to achieve an effective change in global economic dynamics. We need tangible works and a common and shared effort to achieve them. We need ideas, means, energy, knowledge and the will of many to serve the common goal: the protection of the environment and life.

at the center of our activities
The environmental and health problems related to the production processes of the metallurgy sector, as well as the problems relating to the management and disposal costs of EAF Dust powders generated by the steel mills, prompted the AIT Europa Engineering team to intervene to support them. Clean-Tech technology is the solution that AIT Europa Engineering proposes to adopt: it is effective and convenient, it is capable of recovering 100% of the metals from the fume abatement powders, in the form of Ferroalloys in addition to Zinc Oxide with a high degree of of purity.
AIT Europa Engineering
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art. 1, comma 125, della legge
4 agosto 2017 n. 124